The name of my business is Moruka Designs. The business concept was inspired by my sewing skills and my obsession with bags of all kinds. The name was inspired by the Moruka river in my country, Guyana(Land of Many Waters). I got bored with the bags I saw in the stores and decided to make my own. Eventually I found I had turned into a chronic fabric hoarder and figured, why not try it? So I registered my business name & got to work hitting a few bumps along the way. I love all my bags and purses and want to share them with everybody else. I want to give everyone the much needed break from the predictable stuff we all buy in the stores. I'm inspired by almost everything around me. It could be something as mundane as the colour of a car to a really cool dress in a window display and everything is made from scratch by me in my home. You can stop by my business Twitter, Facebook & Instagram pages @MorukaDesigns to see what I have so far & like/follow me(on the right side of this blog). There are also pics below of my little after work photo shoot courtesy of my friend Wendy. I'd love for you let me know what you think. I hope to officially launch in a couple of weeks at & can be contacted at
Some future posts I have drafted up are a length check post(I'm closer to below shoulder blade[bsb] length), recipe(s), giveaway, official business introduction(grand opening), & hair regimen posts. My load should be lightening up by the end of the week so I'll have more time to post and sew.
Once again I hope all is well & that you all are keeping your hair nice and healthy whether you are natural, relaxed, or transitioning. Toodles!!
blooper |
Best wishes on all your business moves!
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy for you, best wishes with starting your own bag line, I already love the fabric that your using and once the store launches, please announce it, would love to show my support!