Thursday, November 07, 2013

November Baby - Birthday In 13 Days

My birthday is coming up on the 20th. That's right, I'm a Scorpio; barely made it in. I have 2 more years till my birthday falls off the almanac. Le sigh... As I get older I'm feeling more confident about myself. I'm less like the stupid 19 year old and more like a grown up who can defend herself. With that being said I bring you my birthday list. :-)
They are not in any order of importance. I'll see how many I can knock off the list by Christmas. A couple of them will be hard to get but hey, you never know what the Universe will bring you and I'm putting it out there.

1. The Canon Powershot SX500 16mp camera. 
I love this camera and have been stalking it for months. It's not too heavy so I can take it to events. REALLY, REALLY want this!

2. Serger/Overlock machine. 
I can use this instead of the zig zag stitch to finish my seams. It's not high priority but it would be nice to have.

3. Heutiful Hair/Facial Steamer.
I still haven't gotten one even after talking about it so much on this blog.

4. Ouidad Double Detangler Comb.
I've heard good things about this comb.

5. My own sewing room.
I sew in my bedroom and it's annoying. I want a sewing room so bad. Isn't this one lovely?

6. A Mini Cooper.

Any November babies out there? 

What's on your birthday/Christmas wish list?

How have you been feeling since you've gotten older?


  1. I have the detangler comb, OMG! I love it so much. The teeth are very strong too & don't no breaking teeth. lol

  2. Love your gift list! That camera is a great choice :)

  3. @Chasing Moe I've heard that about the teeth. I think they should make something similar for blow dryers because mine has a few broken teeth.

  4. Thanks @LeSha Brewer. I've been researching it for months.

  5. I've always wanted a mini cooper! And that's a great choice for a camera!

  6. @Rose's Daughter girl I got my eye on that car.

  7. Happy early Birthday to you! I'm going to shop for that double detangler comb. I've never seen one before. I just straightened my hair a few days ago so I could trim my ends because I kept getting single strand knots. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy your birthday!

  8. @Marilyn Redfern Jernigan Hope you like the comb. I have to trim as well. I'm being very lazy about it.


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